Indian High Commissioner visits Bristol
24 September 2021
Her Excellency Mrs Gaitri Issar Kumar met business, health and community leaders during her recent visit to Bristol. In a day with a packed itinerary, Mrs Kumar met business leaders interested in increasing their commercial activities with India. For each business, she offered advice and guidance on how to address the precise questions each one raised during the consultation. Topics ranged from agriculture to ship building. In her meeting with health leaders, she addressed the impact of Covid19 and areas for potential cooperation between the countries. She paid homage to the famous Indian reformer Dr Raja Ram Mohan Roy and attended Evensong at Bristol Cathedral. Over dinner, she met education leaders from the Universities. The visit was organised by Dr Parag Singh (far right) and Steven Parsons DL pictured with Mrs Kumar and Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding. ’Trade and other relationships with India is very important to the United Kingdom. It is a great privilege to welcome the High Commissioner to the County,’ said Peaches Golding.

W G Grace - howzat!
21 September 2021
The bronze bust of the famous cricketer, W G Grace, was unveiled at the Gloucestershire County Cricket Ground where he was the Club’s first ever captain and went on to become one of the game’s greatest players. The bust is positioned at the entrance to the Bristol Pavilion, one of several locations at the Cricket Ground bearing his name. Former Club President, Mrs Marie Journeaux masterminded the casting of the bronze by raising funds and working behind the scenes to achieve her goal. The original bust is on display in the Lord’s Cricket Ground Museum. ‘W G Grace did much to establish the Gloucestershire Cricket Club and this bronze will recognise his contributions to Club and Cricket as a whole,’ explained Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE as she unveiled the sculpture. In the audience were descendants of W G Grace and Club members.

Soroptimist International Centenary Plus One Tea
12 September 2021
Soroptimist International of Bristol, the founding branch of the organisation, celebrated its 101st birthday with a Centenary Tea. The celebrations planned for last year were postponed due to Covid-19. Soroptimist International aim to support, education, empower and enable women and girls. 'The ideals of the organisation have found a global resonance,’ explained Mrs Peaches Golding OBE CStJ, an Honorary Member of the Bristol Club. ’This amazing group champions employment, social and civic opportunities for women, encouraging their voice and perspective to contribute positively to society.’ President Sue Perry invited the gathering to wish a happy 100 anniversary to the Soroptimist International of Oakland, who joined on 3 October, 1921.

999 Emergency Services Day
9 September 2021
999 Emergency Services Day was celebrated in Bristol with a flag-raising ceremony in which the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE CStJ, High Sheriff Mrs Susan Davies MBE and Lord Mayor Cllr Steve Smith recognised the Day. Nationally, some two million people work and volunteer in the emergency services including approximately 250,000 first responders. The ceremony recognised the tremendous work of the Police, Fire and Ambulance Services as well as the volunteers supporting the Air Ambulance, Freewheelers and St John Ambulance, to name but a few. Faith leaders from across the City also joined in the ceremony, with prayers being read by Canon Nicola Stanley of Bristol Cathedral. ‘We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the emergency services for always being there for us in our times of greatest need,’ said Peaches Golding.

7 September 2021
At the Annual General Meeting for the Wessex Reserve Forces and Cadets Association, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE RNR completed her term as President and handed over to the Wiltshire’s Lord Lieutenant Mrs Sarah Troughton. In her address, Peaches highlighted the impact of Covid-19 on the Armed Forces, whether Serving, Reservist or Cadet. ‘Reservists across the three Services have responded to Operation RESCRIPT in great numbers, assisting in medical and vaccination roles as well as providing enormous logistical expertise. Due to the impact of Covid-19, communities across Wessex rekindled their understanding of the important role carried out by Reservists through, say, the building of various Nightingale Hospitals and the transportation of protective clothing and equipment.’ The pandemic curtailed her ability to attend Cadets Summer Camps or to visit the Estate managed by WRFCA on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. However, WRFCA continued to engage with employers, implement the Cadet and Reserved Forces estates programme and remain financially successful.’ She is photographed with Brigadier Steve Hodder (Chief Executive of WRFCA) and Lance Ranson (Chairman of WRFCA).

Installation of Canon Jonnie Parkin
22 August 2021
Canon Rev’d Jonnie Parkin was installed as Bristol Cathedral’s Canon Missioner and welcomed into the role by civic dignitaries. Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant, read the Letters Patent of The Queen as part of the service conducted during Evensong. Canon Jonnie will focus his time on children and young people. Both Bristol Cathedral Choir School and Cathedral Primary School are linked to Bristol Cathedral. ’This is an exciting appointment to support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral in new and innovative ways. Jonnie brings huge experience of chaplaincy, new forms of worship, and building community to this role,’ The Very Rev'd Dr Mandy Ford, Dean of Bristol, explained. ‘I look forward to the leadership Canon Jonnie will bring and the encouragement he will provide to young people across the City,’ added Peaches Golding.

Queen's Medal for Freewheelers Blood Bikers
8 August 2021
A special medal Awards ceremony for Freewheelers’ Emergency Voluntary Blood Bike Service was held on Sunday 8 August at Fowlers Motorcycles in Bristol. Blood Bikes are a registered charity whose volunteers give up their time completely free of charge to save the lives of others. For thirty years they have transported blood, life saving medication or medical equipment, medical records and even breast milk every day of the year to those in extreme need. Their services save the NHS hundreds of thousands of pounds a year by providing this vital resource. Up to ten emergency motorcycles cover each shift, across an area of approximately 1,640 square miles. Their work complements that of both Great Western Air Ambulance and Wiltshire Air Ambulance. ‘It was such a pleasure to meet these selfless bikers and their volunteer fundraisers and coordinators,’ explained Lord Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE. ‘By giving back to our communities in this way, I am grateful for the way they help to save lives every day of the year.'

PC John Hoult joins Police Roll of Honour
7 August 2021
A plaque to commemorate the death in service of PC John Hoult, a Dockyard Policeman, was unveiled by the Lord-Lieutenant of Bristol, Mrs Peaches Golding. The wall of a storage building at Avonmouth Docks collapsed, falling onto PC Hoult, crushing him to death, aged only 31. 'PC Ryan Weeks has done an extraordinary job in trying to find out more about the life of PC Hoult,’ Mrs Golding confirmed. ‘We know that PC Hoult was Bristol-born and had served in the 4th Glosters. When he died, he left behind a wife and two daughters. However, it is clear that PC Hoult lived the values of commitment and dedication, as both are required of people who serves others, in the way he did as a soldier and as a policeman.’ The Port Chaplin led the service and wreaths were lain by the Lord-Lieutenant, High Sheriff and a representative of Rifles. A Police guard of honour and a bugler added to the gravitas of the service. PC Hoult is the only person known to have died at Bristol Port while on duty.

Tour of Clifton Village's plaques
22 July 2021
Gordon Young, Chairman of the Blue Plaques Panel of the Bristol Civic Society, led a tour around Clifton Village and Hotwells explaining more about the plaques that can be seen around the area. ‘Gordon is full of interesting facts regarding the plaques that populate these two wards,’ Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol noted. ‘Eugénie de Montijo, the future Empress and wife of Napoleon III, attended school in Royal York Crescent. According to her notes, she found Bristol a very dull location when young and absolutely adored it in her older years.’ An increasing number of plaques in the City are dedicated to women who have accomplished significant achievements. Near the Mall is a plaque to suffragists who met in a house there planning how to peacefully advance the cause for the right for women to vote. The Chair and members of the Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society were among those taking part in the tour.

Test driving the new DAF truck
21 July 2021
The Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE sat behind the wheel of DAF truck’s newest generation of vehicles at the launch of MOTUS Commercial’s new 5.2 acre site in Avonmouth. The site has 22 workbays enabling the servicing and maintenance of DAF trucks across the region as well as the delivery of spare parts for trucks, trailers and vans from Avonmouth to the South West area. The new location is well placed to serve the M4, M5 and M48 motorway network. ‘I learned that the new trucks offer a range of safety features, have a 10% improved fuel efficiency and can be used with hydrogen and electric fuels,’ Peaches added. Among the guests were customers, partners and colleges that train the large number of apprentices employed by MOTUS Commercials.

Blue Plaque unveiling at Clifton High School
28 June 2021
A plaque to Eleanor Addison Phillips, founder President of Bristol Soroptimist, educator and role model, was unveiled by Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE. The plaque is sited on the wall of Clifton High School. ‘Miss Phillips was an exceptional woman. She taught history and was Headmistress of Clifton High School from 1908 to 1933. She was also a talented sportswoman. She championed and encouraged women to take part in the civic, social and economic life of the City through her leadership of the Venture Club which became the first Soroptimist Club in the world,’ Peaches told the assembled party. In addition to members of the Bristol Civic Society, Soroptimists and alumni of Clifton High School, the plaque unveiling was attended by the Rotary Club - the organisation that recommended dedicating a plaque to Eleanor Addison Phillips.

St John Ambulance Lighting Up!
24 June 2021
Bristol City Hall joined hundreds of landmark sites across the country in thanking the volunteers and staff of St John’s Ambulance, the healthcare and first aid charity. 'By lighting up City Hall in green lights we are marking St John’s Day and saying thank you to St John for their enormous response to help the NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic,’ explains Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol. ’During the pandemic, St John volunteers and staff crewed ambulances, helped give vaccinations, trained volunteer drivers on the use of ambulances to transport the sick, delivered blood donations and far more.’ Both the Lord-Lieutenant and Bristol Lord Mayor Cllr Steve Smith were able to inspect an ambulance, seeing where vital life-saving equipment is stored and used during emergencies. Avon County President Stuart Hadler and St John Ambulance Central District Manager Karen Brooks were joined by a number of St John Ambulance volunteers. The youngest volunteer present during the lighting up event will be off to university in a few months’ time to study either medicine or nursing.

Woodlands Memorial Military Remembrance Service
16 June 2021
The annual Woodlands Memorial Military Remembrance Service conducted by Padre (Maj) Andy Latifa, Chaplain to 21 Signals regiment, took place to honour those who gave their lives in service of their country. Honorary Captain Mrs Peaches Golding OBE RNR read a lesson during the service and laid a wreath on behalf of the Royal Navy and Royal Navy Reserves. David Rae, Managing Director of Bristol Memorial Woodlands, arranged the annual service within Covid-19 restrictions. Instead of a full Chapel, the service took place outdoors and was limited to only 30 participants.

30th anniversary of Georgian independence
26 May 2021
The celebrations for the 30th anniversary of Georgian independence was celebrated in Bristol with a flag raising ceremony held outside City Hall. The newly appointed Lord Mayor, Cllr Stephen Smith, raised the Georgian flag and Honorary Georgian Consul Derek Pickup spoke to the assembled group. ‘Bristol is twinned with the capital city of Georgia, Tbilisi and we maintain strong links with the Georgian Embassy,’ explained Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE. ‘Honorary Consul Derek Pickup presented both the High Sheriff Mrs Susan Davies and me copies of a book of walks around the beautiful Georgian countryside and a copy of Bread and Ashes, by Tony Anderson.’ Among the guests were Vanessa Moon (Master of the Guild of Guardians), Alderman Royston Griffey and members of the Bristol Twinning Association. The flag raising attracted television coverage by the Georgian public television.

Royal College of Defense Studies visits Bristol
17 May 2021
Two groups of 40 of the most promising senior officers of the British Armed Forces and those from a number of countries worldwide visited Bristol as part of their tour of the South West. In a socially distanced dinner held on board the SS Great Britain, Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE donned her hat as an Honorary Captain of the Royal Naval Reserve and addressed the group. The topic the College selected for her to explore was the maritime history of Bristol and the City’s place in the United Kingdom and the world. ’The question and answer session following my speech was one of the most interesting I have encountered. Chatham House rules enabled us to speak candidly on a number of subjects. The course enables officers to become comfortable working in cross-government and international environments and is seen as a stepping stone to promotion to senior military, diplomatic, civil servants and the like,’ Peaches added. Students on the course are attracted from countries across the globe, from Italy to Kenya and across to the Pacific and the Americas.

Dambuster Johnny Johnson's RAF fundraiser
17 May 2021
100 year old legendary dambuster Squadron Leader George ‘Johnny’ Johnson MBE DFM was at the centre of a cycle ‘flypast’ in aid of the RAF Benevolent Fund. A group of 12 cyclists cycled 19 miles before arriving in Bristol, representing one mile for each of the Lancaster crews that flew in Operation Chastise 78 years ago. The outdoor event was opened by Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, with Johnny and guests assembled. Peaches Golding explained, ‘I was thrilled to be part of this special day for Johnny Johnson and for the RAF Benevolent Fund. Johnny is so inspirational'. Among guests for the flypast were Sir Simon Bollom (Chief Executive of Defence Equipment and Support, Ministry of Defence), Air Marshal Sir Ian Macfadyen (President of the RAFA Westbury-on-Trym), Air Commodore Rob Woods, Air Commodore David Tait, and Chris Della Porta (event organiser), among others.

100th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion
15 May 2021
The Royal British Legion, best known for their annual Poppy Appeal, celebrated its 100th anniversary with a wreath-laying service at Bristol’s Cenotaph. Among those laying wreaths in a socially distanced ceremony were HM Lord-Lieutenant, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE and Lord Mayor, Cllr Jos Clark. They were joined by representatives from the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force and representatives from the Ministry of Defence based at Abbeywood. In a poignant service, the last post was sounded, a minute of silence observed and the Kohima Epitaph was read. ‘It is essential that we remember those who made personal sacrifices to give us nearly 80 years of peace in the Western world. People from across this country and the Commonwealth demonstrated incredible bravery in defending our freedoms. I am grateful that the Royal British Legion continues to honour their service’, Peaches explained. The event was organised by Billy Wilde who, barely in his 20s, has sold poppies in aid of the Royal British Legion for more than 15 years.

QAVS to Flamingo Chicks
6 May 2021
If you think about ballet and children with disabilities, then Flamingo Chicks naturally comes to mind. Founded seven years ago, Flamingo Chicks was awards the Queens Award for Voluntary Service for its groundbreaking programme that empowers young people to become more active, feel less isolated and enjoy better mental health. 91% of volunteers with Flamingo Chicks say it has a positive effect on their mental health. 94% said it challenges their perceptions of what children with disabilities are capable of doing. Although face-to-face classes was disrupted due to Covid-19, Katie turned to video conferencing to enable classes to continue on line. Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, presented founder Katie Sparkes with the Award’s crystal while Meghan Guest, Moira Stephens and Patron Joe Sims proved that ballet is for everyone!

Affiliation visit to HMS PRINCE OF WALES
22 April 2021
Just days before HMS PRINCE OF WALES is scheduled to commence sea trials, a delegation of the Bristol Affiliation to the aircraft carrier presented the Commanding Officer Captain Darren Houston with some important materials for the ship. Mrs Peaches Golding OBE and Honorary Captain RNR, together with Stephen Parsons DL Chair of the Affiliation and Roger Proctor and Toni Bailey from Proctor + Stevenson made the journey to Portsmouth Naval Base. The Bristol Affiliation presented the Captain with a set of crockery for use in the Flag Dining Room, the location where important visitors to the ship may be dined, and he kindly invited the delegation to join him at lunch. The delegation also presented framed photographs of iconic sites in Bristol to adorn the walls of The Bristol Suite, the set of compartments where dignitaries might stay overnight on the aircraft carrier. ’The highlight of our visit was watching from the 'Flight Control' the landing of the first Merlin helicopter on board this year,’ explains Peaches. ‘As she starts her sea trials next week, we wish her following seas and a fair wind.’

Sad death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
9 April 2021
The news flooded in from all directions to announce the sad death of HRH The Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle, just weeks prior to his much awaited 100th birthday. The people of Bristol had fond memories of visits by both The Duke and Her Majesty over the many years. In 1959, HRH met young people participating in the Duke of Edinburgh awards, in 1999 he and The Queen distributed Maundy Money to 146 pensioners, in 2010 he celebrated the success of hydrogen balloonists who won the Gordon Bennett race and more. Mass was held in the Clifton Cathedral on Sunday 11 April led by Bishop Declan Lang, followed by an Evensong at Bristol Cathedral on Wednesday 14 April led by Bishop Viv Faull. Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE attended both services. She contributed to media coverage by local and national broadcasters and print media. The ceremonial funeral of The Duke of Edinburgh took place on Saturday 17 April at Windsor Castle. Due to Covid-restrictions only 30 members of his family were able to attend.

Queen's Award for Enterprise for Ignition DG
8 April 2021
The Queen’s Award for Enterprise flying proudly from the flagpole clearly identified the location of the Istoria Group, the parent company of Ignition DG Ltd. From its office on the Paintworks estate, Ignition DG provide design services for the exhibitions and events business worldwide. Among its clients are household names such as Eli Lilly, North Face, The Invictus Games, Roche and many more. In presenting the business with the Queen’s Award crystal, Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE remarked on how unusual it is to achieve the Award. ‘Only 220 businesses across the UK were awarded The Queen’s Award for Enterprise. Of those, only nine received one in the category of Sustainable Development, making Ignition DG one among only a handful of businesses that can demonstrate the highest standards required by The Queen. These awards are the most prestigious business awards in the UK and have global recognition.’ Peaches enjoyed High Tea with CEO Samantha Rowe and Chair Claire Menzies; she was accompanied by Able Cadet Jasmine Thomas.

High Sheriff Mrs Susan Davies
24 March 2021
Mrs Susan Davies was declared High Sheriff of the City and County of Bristol is a service of Evening Prayer at St Martin's Knowle. As The Queen’s law and order representative, the High Sheriff is the second most senior person in the county, following behind the Lord-Lieutenant in precedence. The term of office is one year. She is a former Deputy Lieutenant for Bristol and was Lady Mayoress in 2009-10. The service was led by Revd Becky Waring who will also act as Chaplain to the High Sheriff. Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE read a lesson and the outgoing High Sheriff Dr John Manley formally introduced the incoming High Sheriff. The Declaration of both High Sheriff and Under Sheriff James Myatt was sworn. A socially distanced congregation gathered outside the Church to congratulate Susan.

Bristol Remembers 2021
18 March 2021
People from across Bristol came together one year after the nation went into national lockdown to reflect on the health, social and economic impact that Covid-19 has made on us all in a video entitled ‘Bristol Remembers 2021.’ Participants included the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord Mayor Cllr Mrs Jos Clarke, Elected Mayor Marvin Rees. Peaches reflected that, 'Our freedom to roam beyond our front doors was curtailed; most businesses had to cease trading; many people lost their livelihoods; others were devastated by the loss of someone most precious to them. Essential workers continued to operate hospitals, schools, trains and busses, care homes and vital services. Volunteers rallied together to feed the hungry, house the homeless or collect medicines from pharmacies. We found new ways to check that family, friends, colleagues or neighbours were alright. In the face of anxiety and fear of the unknown, many among us became heroes for the way they faced this crisis.’ She concluded, 'One year on from the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, let us remember what we have lost, what we most cherish and how wonderful it will be to meet each other again.'

Covid Vaccine - Ask the Expert
17 March 2021
Mrs Peaches Golding OBE chaired a panel of experts involved in Covid-19 vaccination research. The event was webcast live across the South West and organised by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Among the panel was Prof Saul Faust (professor of Paediatric Immunology & Infectious Diseases at the University of Southampton), Prof Adam Finn (a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation also involved in research trials using Oxford/AstraZeneca, Janssen and Valneva vaccines), Dr Lawrence Barnes (Principal Investigator for the PROVENT study which is looking at whether giving antibodies to those ineligible to the vaccines might provide protection) and Research Matron Lisa Berry (NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility). Some 190 people, ranging from the general public to healthcare and research clinicians, attended the webinar. As well as dispelling myths associated with vaccination against Covid-19, the panelists were able to use real world data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the vaccines against the spread of infection and the severity of illness.

Commonwealth is power for good
8 March 2021
The Bristol Commonwealth Society and Commonwealth Scholars, current and past, joined Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE CStJ to celebrate Commonwealth Day 2021. Due to social distancing requirements, the usual activities, such as attendance at a Church Service and Flag Raising Ceremony to recognise Commonwealth Day, were foregone. Instead a virtual meeting took place. Participants came from Nigeria, Jamaica, Kenya, Ghana and other countries. Bristol Commonweaelth Society was represented by Chair Dr Kay Barnard and Janet Kirk. Peaches, who is President of the Bristol Commonwealth Society, informed the Scholars of key messages from Her Majesty in this year’s Affirmation. Most important among the messages is that ‘we affirm that every person possesses unique worth and dignity.’ The Affirmation also highlighted our belief in justice, in respecting nature and in the importance of mutual respect and goodwill to all for the good of all. ‘In short,’ Peaches said, ’the Commonwealth is a powerful global force for good and we should pledge ourselves to service now and for the future.'

Women Who Lead
17 February 2021
The first meeting of Women Who Lead took place through video conferencing, uniting women in the City drawn together from a range of backgrounds, sectors and occupations. They joined forces to hear Financial Times Executive Editor Leyla Boulton who reflected on her 30 years’ work at the FT. She moved from an operational journalists role to Editor of FT Special Reports, then to strategic roles including the Development Editor of FT Live and the Senior Editor in the News Room. ’The challenges of female leadership differ from those of men,’ remarked Lord Lieutenant for Bristol, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE. ‘By sharing our stories and experiences, women are equipped with tools to help them navigate senior roles.’ The network is led by Dr Zara Nanu, Briony Phillips and Heather Macdonald Tait.

HRH Earl of Wessex attends Local Resilience Forum
4 February 2021
HRH The Earl of Wessex attended the Local Resilience Forum alongside the Lord-Lieutenants of Bristol, Somerset and Gloucestershire. The Forum brings together a range of organisations including public health, the NHS, Clinical Commissioning Group, Adult Social Care and is chaired by Avon and Somerset Constabulary. These are the organisations that plan how the area will address Covid-19 from a strategic perspective. Considerations regarding, for example, the amount of vaccines and their roll out, the implications of the exit from lockdown, the spread of the virus across the region and more is coordinated by this group of specialists. HRH reflected that the Forum had been standing for the longest period ever since its formation. He expressed his delight with the mutual support and collaborative ways of working established within the Forum. He thanked the Forum and their sponsor organisations for all their hard work and effort.

Archbishop Justin Welby addresses Lord-Lieutenants
2 February 2021
The Most Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, assured a gathering of Lord-Lieutenants that local services of remembrance for the family, friends, colleagues and neighbours lost during the pandemic are likely to be more powerful than a national service of remembrance. He also suggested that there would be no guilt associated with celebrating the end of the Covid19 pandemic. The Archbishop suggested that life will be different post-Covid. Nationally 4.7 million people volunteered to help their communities, a powerful symbol of solidarity. He also noted an ambition to build back better, transform some ofd the left behind areas and to improve education are a few of the ways we will reimagine the economy and justice. After an uplifting speech, The Archbishop was roundly applauded by the Lord-Lieutenants.

Designs for Ashton Park Stadium
28 January 2021
Vanessa Moon, Master of the Guild of Guardians, invited Mark Kelly, Managing Director of Ashton Gate Stadium and Bristol Sport, to address the Guild. He revealed the ambitious plans in development for Ashton Gate Stadium. The plans demonstrate how the 27,000 seater stadium, home to elite sporting brands Bristol Bears Rugby and Bristol City Football Club, will evolve to provide more facilities for Bristol. Among the plans are a 4,000 seat conference, basketball and events arena. Mark’s responsibilities range from estate management to the delivery of the three-year long transformation project. During the pandemic, Bristol Sport has demonstrated its strong links to the City and its various communities. It donated some of its space to provide warehousing for foodstuffs for distribution by Fare Share while another area is being used as a mass vaccination centre, capable of delivering vaccinations to up to 1,000 people per day. Bristol Sport is one of the City’s largest employers.

Address to the High Sheriffs in Nomination
27 January 2021
Mrs Peaches Golding OBE CStJ, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, joined forces with The Queen’s Remembrancer Barbara Fontaine, Lord Justice Jeremy Stuart-Smith and Suzy Dymond-White Governor of HMP Eastwood Park in a webinar for High Sheriffs in Nomination. Annually, Her Majesty appoints a High Sheriff in each ceremonial county. This appointment focusing on law and order and, behind the Lord-Lieutenant, is the second most senior dignitary in the county. The webinar, attended by more than 80 participants provided vital information and a forum for discussion for those in Nomination. Topics included the relationship between the origins of the role of High Sheriff and its links to the Crown and the links between the High Sheriff and the judiciary. Peaches set out the role of the Lord-Lieutenant and its relationship with the High Sherif. She also spoke of some of the activities that High Sheriffs might be involved with in their respective county. ‘As a former High Sheriff, I understand the opportunities the year may hold for those in nomination and how each High Sheriff can make a difference in their county regardless of restrictions imposed by the Covid19 lockdown,’ said Peaches.

Bristol Lieutenancy observes Brew Monday
8 January 2021
The third Monday in January is called Blue Monday as social isolation, the bills from Christmas spending and the dark, long winter days take a toll of people’s mental health. Instead of being overwhelmed by problems, the Samaritans launched Brew Monday to encourage us to socialise over a cup of tea and listen to what is on the mind of others. Maggie Cameron MBE DL of the Bristol Samaritans explained how even a virtual connection is good for your mental well-being. She added, ’64% of people in Britain have felt lonely over the past year because of social isolation due to the Covid19 pandemic. 9 out of 10 people find that spending time with friends and family helped their mental health.’ Importantly, Maggie helped the Bristol Lieutenancy to polish up their listening skills, too. 'Being a good listener means focussing on the other person, making eye contact and putting away distractions such as your mobile phone. Just checking in on someone could make the difference to their day!'

Christmas Mass
24 December 2020
Christmas is normally a time when people come together at churches around the county to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the hope of a better life to come. Yet this year, lockdown restrictions imposed due to Covid19 meant that, instead of coming together, people relied on online broadcasts to worship together. ‘I would normally attend six or more church services over the Christmas period,’ remarked Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE. ‘I was pleased, however, to participate by sending in a video of the reading of a lesson or a prayer services held at both Bristol Cathedral and St Mary Redcliffe Church. I am so grateful that many of our churches are able to reach into our communities through the medium of video broadcasts to foster goodwill and proclaim peace to all mankind.’

Christmas cards for HMS PRINCE OF WALES
20 December 2020
When Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE asked whether the children of Bristol might wish to make a Christmas card for each of the ship’s crew on affiliate HMS PRINCE OF WALES, she did not realise how generous the response would be. Nine groups of GirlGuiding Bristol & South Gloucestershire and the Cubs of Avon Scouts responded with beautifully painted Christmas cards. A further nine piracy schools and academies also responded. With lockdown preventing Peaches from taking the 2,500 cards she received to Portsmouth where the aircraft carrier was alongside, she enrolled the assistance of Father Christmas and his Elves to ensure the Christmas cards arrived in time. Click video to view the story!

Lieutenancy Christmas gathering
18 December 2020
The last meeting of the year for the Bristol Lieutenancy family took place via an online video. Festive jumpers, glasses and head gear helped to create a joyful atmosphere even though the Lieutenancy was separated from each other by many miles. The highlight of the Christmas gathering was insight from each Deputy Lieutenant into a little known artefact in the county. Thirteen photographs taken around the county sparked stories of hidden histories, shared interests and enlightening facts between those able to participate in the call. What a lovely way to end the year and to look forward to a better year to come!

Centenary of The Lark Ascending
15 December 2020
One of the UK’s best-loved classical pieces, The Lark Ascending, by Ralph Vaughan Williams was first performed in the Shirehampton Public Hall in Bristol 100 years ago today. A special online concert featuring violinist Jennifer Hall thrilled the virtual audience. Jennifer is in demand worldwide and is known as an artist of exceptional integrity and depth. The Lark Ascending portrays a bird soaring high above the English countryside, flying freely. It was composed in the build up to World War I and the song of the lark dramatically contrasts to the sentiments of the time when it was written. Also on the programme were the Exultate Singers and the Bristol Ensemble conducted by David Ogden. The choral song ‘Jerusalem’ provided a rousing end to the concert.

BEM Investiture
8 December 2020
Morgan ‘Monty’ Britton, elevated to Medallist of the Order of the British Empire in the New Years Honours List of 2020, was invested of the Honour during a socially distanced service held at the Southmead Fire Station and presented with his medal by H M Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol Mrs Peaches Golding OBE CStJ. Formerly in the Royal Air Force, Monty turned his skills to the Fire Service, first as a firefighter, then rising through the ranks to Divisional Commander of ‘A’ Division over a period of 37 years. He served as Chairman of the Fire Services National Benevolent Fund, is an active member and supporter of the Firefighters Charity and the Avon Fire & Rescue Welfare Liaison Team. Monty was accompanied to the investiture by his son Colin and Ian Satherley and Chriss Deverall from the Pensioners Association, an organisation where he served as its Chairperson. Chief Fire Officer Mick Crennell and one of the Honour Guard of Firefighters are pictured with Monty and Mrs Golding. Also in attendance was Station Manager Neil Stradling.

Back to the Future
3 December 2020
St John Ambulance held an online cocktail party and fundraising event hosted by Sir Trevor McDonald OBE. The evening was peppered with heartwarming testimonies and glorious music. The event raised over £12,000. In an interview with St John Ambulance volunteers, participants were inspired by the stories from young and mature volunteers that Sir Trevor was able to reveal. 'Their dedication to providing help and assistance is underlined by the thousands of St John Ambulance trained people that have volunteered to help with the national roll out of the Covid-19 vaccinations,’ added Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for the County of Bristol. Among the entertainment during the evening was the Andrew Bernardi Stradivarius Piano Too and the Bernardi Music Group String Academy. The virtual audience was instructed in how to prepare a bespoke drink by The Cocktail Man!

The Created Forum
22 November 2020
A diverse group of women from the media, politics, campaigners on domestic abuse and other genre joined forces to raise awareness and funds for Refuge Women’s AID and Child in Need India in a globally available web-based virtual event. The event was the brainchild of Tara Newley Arkle and Daniel Winterfeldt QC. Among the esteemed panel were Dame Joan Collins DBE, Baroness Patricia Scotland (Secretary-General of the Commonwealth), Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, journalist and broadcaster Claire Balding as well as other campaigners, champions, journalists and influencers. ‘Panellists from the UK shared this powerful platform with those from the Middle East, South Asia, South Africa and the Commonwealth,’ explains Peaches Golding. ‘According to the UN, the women most likely to experience violence worldwide are those living in households with earnings of less than £10,000 income, those living in social housing, women of mixed or multiple ethnicities, bisexual women, or women with long-term illness or disability.’ The event commemorated the UN’s Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Meeting Bristol Diocese leaders
19 November 2020
Bishop Viv Faull, the Anglican bishop of Bristol, and her staff held a virtual meeting with Lord-Lieutenant Peaches Golding OBE. The meeting was the first opportunity for Peaches to meet the recently appointed Catherine Okoronkwo, whose brief includes the development of policy and practice and Kat Campion-Spall whose remit is to support and enable women in ordained ministry within the Diocese of Bristol. Also participating was Sally Cordwell, Director of Communications for the Diocese. In addition to spiritual matters, among the numerous areas of work common to both institutions are climate change, homelessness and housing, and the themes of diversity, inclusion and integration.

Armistice Day
11 November 2020
Bristol’s Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE participated in the laying of wreathes at Paddington Station organised by GWR and Network Rail. Designated trains from across the GWR region collected poppy wreathes for display at Platform 1, Paddington Station. Royal British Legion’s Billy Wilde carried the Lord-Lieutenant’s wreath to Bristol Temple Meads station where it joined others from across the City on its journey to London. Wreathes from the Lord Mayor, HMS FLYING FOX and others all travelled together on the Armistice Day train. Peaches Golding, as Honorary Captain RNR, was also asked to join dignitaries across the region in the reading of a passage from a poem used as part of the service at Paddington Station.

Bristol Poppy Appeal launch
22 October 2020
The Bristol Poppy Appeal launch was held at HMS FLYING FOX. Organised by Billy Wilde from MOD Abbeywood, the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding and Lord Mayor Cllr Jos Clarke were joined by a representative from the Royal British Legion. She presented the dignitaries with the first poppy pins of the year. Made of metal, the pins symbolised the celebration of Remembrance Sunday at home. ’This year’s theme is so relevant to us all, given that the pandemic keeps us away from loved ones, whether friends or family. We can all understand the feelings of those in the Armed Forces and their families when duty separates us from those we care most about,’ observed Mrs Golding. Pre-Covid19 the launch would involve the selling of poppies outdoors by volunteers from the Armed Forces and other collectors. ‘Let us not forget those who served their country and may have fallen on difficult times. Please support the Poppy Appeal as generously as you are able.’

HMS RANGER finds safe harbour
8 October 2020
HMS RANGER made an unexpected visit to Bristol as Storm Alex, the first named storm of the season, brought heavy rain and gusts of wind up to 60 mph to western coastal regions. HMS RANGER is one of the Royal Navy’s P2000 URNU Patrol Craft which would, under normal conditions, enable university students to experience life on the water and to acquire and practice some navigational skills. Instead the Commanding Officer invited Lord-Lieutenant and Honorary Captain Peaches Golding OBE aboard during her brief stay in Bristol where she was berthed on the pontoon alongside the Arnolfini. She met the Ship’s company before they sailed along the Floating Harbour.

2020 Lord-Lieutenant's Cadets
5 October 2020
The Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE performed the Investiture of her newly appointed Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets at the Army Reserve Centre in a socially distanced service. Paul Connolly, Chief Executive Officer of the Bristol Army Cadet Force, welcomed the Cadets and their parents to the Centre, then Wing Commander David Cox MBE read out the individual citations. ‘It is clear from the citations that an amazing group of Cadets will be joining me this year on some of my duties. They demonstrate courage, curiosity, determination and proficiency in a range of skills and stand head and shoulders above their peers,’ Mrs Golding remarked. In a slide presentation showing some of the types of activity the Lord-Lieutenants’ Cadets might expect during their year, she shed light on the range of royal, military, religious, ceremonial and civic engagements that may arise during their year. Due to Covid-19, the Cadets are yet to be issued their uniforms. Pictured from left to right, Cadet Sergeant Charlotte Osborne (Army Cadet Force), Cadet Flight Sergeant Edward Holden (Air Training Corps), Able Cadet Jasmine Thomas (Sea Cadet Force) and Cadet Staff Sergeant Ruby Thresher (Combined Cadet Force).

Dean Dr Mandy Ford installed
3 October 2020
Canon Dr Mandy Ford was installed as the 43rd Dean of the Bristol Cathedral in a socially distanced Evensong service at Bristol Cathedral. Her role will be to lead the Cathedral community in pray and worship as well as in services to the City of Bristol and the wider Diocese of Bristol. Previously Canon Chancellor at Southward Cathedral, she replaces the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle who is not Dean of Westminster. During the service, the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE read the Letters Patent of Her Majesty the Queen before the yet-to-be-installed Dean took the required oaths. ‘It is an enormous privilege to be appointed as the next Dean of Bristol. I am excited by the prospect of living and working in such a vibrant and diverse city, sharing in the joys and challenges of the next few years as we seek to bring hope to all', Dean Mandy announced. Standing left to right, the Lord Mayor of Bristol Cllr Jos Clarke, the Right Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean Mandy Ford and Lord-Lieutenant Peaches stood before the altar to record this significant occasion.

The Princess Campbell Office opens
2 October 2020
Offices at Southmead Hospital have been named in recognition of the tremendous contributions to healthcare services and to racial justice by Nurse Princess Campbell, the City’s first Black nursing sister. 'Princess Campbell, who died in 2015, came to England from the Caribbean after World War II in response to the call to help rebuild the nation from all that it had endured during the long war’, explains Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE in her speech to the socially distanced gathering. Deputy Mayor Cllr Asher Craig also spoke about the importance of naming the office at the start of Black History Month. A plaque to commemorate the opening of the office was unveiled by Dennis Campbell, the son of Princess Campbell. Also in attendance were Sandra Gordon and Annette Hughes the Chair of NBT’s BAME Staff Network. The group of civic dignitaries and the Chief Executive of North Bristol NHS Trust met members of the hospital’s BAME network and learned of their many initiatives spanning from creative arts to workplace practices.

IMPACT20: The National Conversation
1 October 2020
Delegates drawn from business, local communities and local and regional government in the South West took part in a two-hour IMPACT20 roundtable conversation. Jointly funded by the Cabinet Office and DCMS the aim of the eight regional roundtable conversations was to inspire collaboration, innovation and determination to make the UK a better place to live and thrive. Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE was one of the keynote speakers. ’Three areas where I would focus energy are education, jobs and housing,’ Peaches proposed. ‘Firstly, education can foster creativity, curiosity, debate and respectful challenge. Secondly, the pandemic has taught us to value those working in essential and key worker roles more ever than before. Many jobs of the future will require greater technical and more customer service skills. Thirdly, the demand for better insulated and more sustainable housing with green spaces available for people of all ages to enjoy and use is expanding. Walkably distanced hubs for housing, work, recreation and relaxation are good for mental and physical health. Personally, I value highly kind leadership. Overall, the pandemic has provided an enormous opportunity for people from all background and heritages, able-bodied or not, younger or mature to increase cohesion and justice, harness creativity, and demonstrate care and compassion for those most vulnerable around us.

Ambulance charity shop opening
26 September 2020
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC), opened their first charity shop in Carlton Court at the heart of Westbury-on-Trym today to help raise vital funds for their lifesaving service. The local charity had a small and socially distanced ribbon cutting to mark the occasion, with Lord Lieutenant of Bristol and Patron of GWAAC, Peaches Golding, and former patient of the charity, Sallyanne Haigh, doing the honours of opening the new shop, along with the charity’s other Patrons, CEO, and Westbury-on-Trym Councillor, Steve Smith. GWAAC provides the critical care and air ambulance services for Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset, Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire, attending to over five patients a day on average. Each call-out they attend costs around £2,000, yet due to COVID-19 the charity has seen a significant loss in their fundraising income, with events and face-to-face fundraising opportunities cancelled. The new shop will raise much-needed awareness of the charity’s lifesaving work in their local area, and hopefully, much-needed funds to keep them flying and to ensure that they can continue to be there for those in need.

Soroptimist International present Trauma Teddies
19 September 2020
In celebration of their centenary, Soroptimist International of Bristol held a teddy bears’ picnic on the Down to celebrate 999 Emergency Services week. 300 of their handmade knitted teddy bears were presented to members of the local emergency services for use as trauma teddies. The President of Soroptimist International of Bristol, Marion Reid, welcomed the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding and Lord Mayor Jos Clark who each addressed the assembled, socially distanced gathering. Baskets of colourful teddies were given to crews of the air ambulance, shown here, fire and rescue service and the police. Lord-Lieutenant Peaches Golding thanked the Soroptomists who, throughout their 100 year long history, stood at the forefront of social action, leading the way in issues as far-ranging as women’s suffrage to health and well-being. The trauma teddies will provide enormous comfort for children and adults experiencing disasters and great misfortune.

999 Emergency Services Day
9 September 2020
Annually on 9 September we show our support for the selfless people that work in our emergency services, past and present. More than 250,000 first responders serve as ambulance crew, fire fighters, police, coast guard and in search and rescue teams. They answer calls to fight fires, practise medicine, police the streets and save lives at sea, on mountains, low lands and in caves. Left to right, the Elected Mayor Marvin Rees, High Sheriff Dr John Manley, Lord-Lieutenant Peaches Golding OBE CStJ, two ambulance crew, Lord Mayor Cllr Jos Clark and Acting Dean Canon Michael Johnson attended a flag raising thanksgiving service on College Green.

180th anniversary celebrations at Bristol Temple Meads
1 September 2020
Bristol Temple Meads celebrated the 180th anniversary of its doors opening to the public in 1840, making it the first rail terminus anywhere in the world. Work on the line began five years earlier with Isambard Kingdom Brunel having surveyed the landscape between London and Bristol to carry steam propelled rail carriages. Work commenced from Bristol towards London and from London towards Bristol, finally meeting up in 1841 near Reading. First known as Bristol Station, Bristol Temple Meads took on its current name after World War II when nearby Temple Church was destroyed by bombing. Meads comes from the water marshes and meadows that historically formed the landscape of the area. In celebration of the 180th anniversary, Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE cut a cake in the shape of a top hat in the company of (left to right) West of England Mayor Tim Bowles, Mr Brunel (enacted by Simon Strain) and Station Manager Andy Phillips. The entrance to the Station shown in the photograph is the Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt building, as the Passenger Shed is the original site of Bristol Station.

Honorary Captain Peaches Golding OBE RNR
20 August 2020
Peaches Golding OBE, Lord Lieutenant of Bristol has been appointed by Her Majesty the Queen as an Honorary Captain Royal Naval Reserve. As Lord Lieutenant (LL) of Bristol, Peaches Golding has been a consistent supporter of the armed forces in the City and the Royal Navy in particular. Her appointment as an honorary officer is seen as an endorsement of her wide-ranging effect with the region, from the corporate business community right through to the general public. Royal Marines Brigadier Jock Fraser, Naval Regional Commander Wales and Western England said: “I was absolutely delighted to welcome Honorary Captain Golding back to the Naval Regional HQ today and to introduce representatives from across the Naval family in the Bristol area. Peaches has visited us many times in her role as Lord Lieutenant of Bristol and it was wonderful to see her for the first time in her Royal Navy uniform. She has been a tremendous supporter of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines for many years and we are thrilled with her recent appointment. I know that she will be a passionate advocate for the whole Naval family, including our Bristol affiliated ship HMS Prince of Wales, and will provide the wisest of counsel to my colleagues and I in her new role.” Peaches added, “I am thrilled, humbled and honoured to be appointed by Her Majesty The Queen to be Honorary Captain RNR, particularly as Bristol has such a strong maritime history. I look forward to supporting the units in the region and to strengthening their links with our communities.”

VJ Day 75
15 August 2020
A service held at Evensong on Saturday 15 August commemorated the 75th anniversary of the day that the guns fell silent in the Far East campaign of World War II, known as Victory over Japan Day or VJ Day. In a poignant service led by Acting Dean Canon Michael Johnson, 60 people celebrated the service together due to the requirements of Covid-19 social distancing rules. Brigadier Jock Fraser, Commanding Officer of the Royal Navy West and West, attended the service as consort to the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE. Dawn Anstey, a member of the congregation and guest of Col Jane Thompson DL, brought along a Japanese flag kept by her grandfather and shown here. The flag was signed by all members of the crew of the captured Japanese submarine. Canon Stephen Parsons DL, on the far left, is shown on the photograph taken on the North Porch of the Cathedral.

Global Risks of Climate Change
12 August 2020
Business in the Community held a virtual South West Climate Change conference that highlighted issues for business leaders in evaluating how best to navigate the impact of the changing climate. Delegates were informed of the latest climate projection data. Various business leaders spoke of the actions their businesses are taking to position them better for a changing global environment. Dr Fai Fung, a Met Office climate scientist, spoke about the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Landscape 2020. The risk with the greatest global impact that is also the most likely to occur is ‘climate action failure,’ followed by ‘extreme weather’ and ‘biodiversity loss.’ The conference was attended by Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE. ‘According to the various speakers, business leaders are encouraged to assess their current vulnerabilities to climate change and understand the risks and hazards they may face,’ explains Peaches. ‘Once they have clarity of these issues, then they can identify the adaptation options relevant to them and determine how to monitor what additional actions may be required.'

'The Economics of Happiness' seminar
8 July 2020
The Guild of Guardians’ July breakfast seminar featured Dr Jo Mitchell and his research on the economics of happiness. During her tenure as Master of the Guild, Vanessa Moon of Moon Exec Search, is focusing on the topic of happiness. Dr Mitchell examined a number of indicators, such as income or comparisons with one’s peers, to examine the impact each indicator might have on one’s own evaluation of personal happiness. The illustration on the right indicates how satisfied residents in each country feel about their lives. Generally, women are more happy than men, people in second marriages tend to be less happy, those earning £60,000 and above tend to be more content. However, he exposed ’tribal anger’ around issues such as BREXIT or EU sentiment and found that anger with politicians led people to become dissatisfied. He even offered advice to the government on the types of policy that could make people feel better about their circumstances during the Covid recession. A fascinating lecture!

Armed Forces Day
27 June 2020
Armed Forces Day enabled all of us to chow our support for the women and men who make up the Armed Forces community - from serving troops and their families to veterans and cadets. It was observed across the UK. Everyone was encouraged to raise a flag and salute the Armed Forces. 'The High Sheriff John Manley, Lord Mayor Jos Clark and I were joined by AB Honey of HMS FLYING FOX and piper Bob Smyth at City Hall, where we raised the Armed Forces Week flag,’ explains Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol. The City is particularly proud of the contributions to healthcare in the region by the Ship’s companies of HMS FLYING FOX AND HMS PRINCE OF WALES during the height of the Covid19 pandemic. The former included medical staff working in intensive care and the latter included those administering tests of the public for the virus.

Bristol Affiliation Board Meeting
16 June 2020
Not even the coronavirus can stop the Bristol Affiliation Board from meeting! Joining from HMS PRINCE OF WALES in Portsmouth, the Affiliation Board welcomed Commander Shaun Riordan, Navy Commander Weapon Engineer and Lt Cdr Simon Watson, Head of Media HMS PWLS to their first Board meeting. The Board discussed which names of streets in Bristol could be used to designate corridors on board HMS PRINCE OF WALES. Among the names suggested were Plimsol Bridge, Christmas Steps, Anchor Road, Wine Street, Concorde Drive, Corn Street, Cheers Drive and Denmark Street. Bristol will also present to the Ship a set of crockery displaying a unique Bristol and Liverpool crest. Due to coronavirus, it is unlikely that the ship’s company will participate in observances around Armed Forces Week, the 50th anniversary of return of the SS Great Britain and Remembrance Sunday.

Inaugural Civic dignitaries meeting
15 June 2020
The Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, High Sheriff John Manley and Lord Mayor Councillor Jos Clark held their inaugural meeting on Zoom. 'These civic dignitaries hold ancient and historic offices that are important to the lives of the people of Bristol and give us a sense of our traditions and history', explained Peaches Golding. ‘We are often seen on ceremonial occasions but at other times, too’. The Lord-Lieutenant is the personal representative HM The Queen in the county. The High Sheriff, an annual appointment of The Queen, focuses on law and order as well as on community safety and the encouragement of young people. The Lord Mayor not only chairs the City Council's meetings but also performs a multi-faceted ceremonial role. Bristol has been both a City and a County for over 700 years and has a rich history that is exemplified by these three important offices.

Sam Harris podcast
12 June 2020
Syncify founder Sam Harris invited me to record a podcast for his Growth Mindset series of podcasts. ’Sam is a real live wire and we have a great time during the recording,’ Lord-Lieutenant Peaches Golding admits. In an easy discussion, Peaches explained the role of Lord-Lieutenant and the process by which the County selects its Lord-Lieutenant. ‘Her Majesty likes her Lord-Lieutenants to serve for 10 to 15 years as it is only over that period of time that one can see a change. We all retire on our 75th birthday.’ The podcast is available from early August 2020 and it demystifies some of the ancient and historic offices of State.

A Statement from Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol
8 June 2020
Bristol, a City of Sanctuary where 92 languages are spoken and celebrated, is a diverse and welcoming City. The small trading port founded in 8th century became England’s second City by the 18th century. The magnitude, quality and range of its Georgian buildings are testament in part to the riches gained by merchants in the City through the transportation of some 100,000 enslaved Africans to the plantations of the New World.
This link with slavery continues to haunt the City, with Edward Colston being the lightning rod for this uncomfortable legacy. Some in the City revere him as a saint for his philanthropy, while others judge him to be the devil incarnate for his slaving. These two diametrically opposed views create a palpable tension that reverberates through communities, highlighting different outcomes in education, employment, physical health, mental health and more. Individual and statistical evidence underlines how racial prejudice, racial inequality and institutional racism reduces life chances as well as life spans.
The City’s leadership models racial diversity: Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant, the Elected Mayor, head of the voluntary sector development agency, professionals, creatives and more are of black heritage. The University of Bristol has appointed a black historian as professor of slavery to investigate its links with the trans-Atlantic trade City Hall mentors and trains cohorts of talented, black managers in order to improve their prospects of promotion in a range of sectors, while a social enterprise mentors and encourages young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to elevate and broaden their career aspirations. The City swore in the most diverse group of Magistrates ever, with one third being black or Asian, female or non-Christian.
So why was the statue of Edward Colston unceremoniously torn down from its City centre Plinth, dragged through the streets and thrown into the Floating Harbour? Why was the peaceful protest of many thousands of people, black and white, from Bristol and beyond, in support of ‘black lives matter’ not the headline news in and across the country? The unlawful actions of a few have successfully highjacked our attention and are poised to stop us focusing on the real opportunities that are around us.
In 1996 I started a two decade-long period of working with HRH The Prince of Wales to highlight the opportunities that greater access to employment, stronger communities, integrated supply chains and more visible leadership from black communities could bring to the country as a whole. Among the successes is increased portrayal of black people in corporate advertising and in the media, increased investment into black communities, a greater understanding among business leaders of diversity in the workplace, the benchmarking of businesses on how well they are doing to promote top talent and how this is being achieved and the greater numbers of educated, skilled, ambitious and capable black people in the workforce.
Yes, there is more to do. However, we have arrived at a new point. Today there is a greater awareness of how the racial divide drags down society as a whole. There is a willingness among the population as a whole to call out injustice, prejudice and racial hatred. More importantly, there are those in power that are willing to drive through change to make society better, fairer, more just and productive. We can all act to create a better society and it is imperative to so do.
Mrs Peaches Golding OBE Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol 8 June 2020

FARSCOPE Advisory Board Meets
22 May 2020
18 members of the Advisory Board for FARSCOPE, the robotics project jointly delivered by the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England, met online as Covid19 continues to impact on face-to-face meetings. The Board discussed how the Universities were supporting students as Covid19 affected their on-campus research. An analysis of students taking their vivas and submitting their projects was pleasingly high with activities such as vivas, seminars and training taking place on line. The Board discussed how to increase collaboration and maintain team spirit between incoming and existing student cohorts. Lord-Lieutenant Peaches Golding is a member of the Board and explained, 'The importance of public engagement on robotics and artificial learning technologies is a key measure of the success of the programme.’

A Glass of Wine with the Lord-Lieutenant
12 May 2020
The Clifton Club, one of Bristol’s most successful member business networking clubs, invited Mrs Peaches Golding OBE to participate in a virtual interview with Club Chairman Mike Beesley. Covid-19 was not going to stop the Club from pioneering an innovative way to bring its membership together. During the interview, Mike asked the Lord-Lieutenant about her career and successful market research business. She told of the times when she carried out global research in the pharmaceutical sector, advised the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and the then Department of Trade and Industry on matters of policy and advised one of the Prince’s Charities for nearly two decades. It was an opportunity to learn more about her life story and the events leading up to her appointment as Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol.

VE Day 75 at Bristol Cathedral
10 May 2020
Bristol Cathedral broadcast live a commemorative VE Day 75 service on Facebook. The service involved civic dignitaries, including the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding, High Sheriff Mr Chris Wyld and Lord Mayor Cllr Jos Clarke. Footage taken from newspapers and newsreels from 1945 created an atmosphere that captured the gratitude of the nation, both then and now. Bristol's Proclamation Carriage, shown here, was driven around central Bristol to announce the ending of World War II, after six long years of gruelling battles in Northern Europe.

VE Day 75 celebrations
8 May 2020
When VE Day dawns on 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe. Years of carnage and destruction had come to an end and millions of people took to the streets and pubs to celebrate peace, mourn their loved. In line with others around the country and world, the Lieutenancy came together virtually to reflect on the enormous sacrifice, courage and dedication of people from all walks of life who saw us through this dark and terrifying period in history. In addition to a flag-raising ceremony on College Green, the piping of Battle’s O’er by Bob Smyth and numerous tea parties held on streets across the City, a toast was raised at 3pm to World War II veterans by the Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, many of her Deputy Lieutenants and secretary for the Lieutenancy. ‘I am so pleased we could raise a toast to world peace, if not in person due to Covid-19 restrictions on movement, and to say thank you to those to whom we owe so much,’ Peaches Golding confirmed.

Four Bristol companies achieve Queen’s Award
21 April 2020
Four companies in Bristol won the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise. In 2020, 665 applications were received from businesses applying for the awards. The Queen’s Award provide a globally recognised royal seal of approval for UK companies demonstrating tremendous success in the categories of Innovation, International Trade, Promoting Opportunities (through social mobility) and Sustainable Development. Ignition DG Ltd and Triodos Bank UK Ltd won in the category of Sustainable Development. CameraForensics won in the Innovation category while Babbasa Youth Empowerment Projects CIC won the Promoting Opportunities award. Winners of the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are presented with a commemorative crystal trophy and the Grant of Appointment. They are permitted to fly the Queen’s Award flag at their office and place the emblem on their products and marketing materials for five years. ‘I look forward to presenting the crystal to the winning companies as soon as social distancing policies during the Covid-19 pandemic are in place. Such presentations provide a great opportunity for businesses to thank their staff, customers and key partners’, adds Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, the Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol.

#BristolFoodKind Week
4 April 2020
Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, joined forces with friends, family and colleagues across Bristol on #BristolFoodKind, a campaign focusing on issues related to food. ‘I am a keen amateur gardener and, for the first time, I am increasing the number of vegetables I grow on some newly built raised beds,’ Peaches Golding explains. The campaign suggests that growing your own fruit and vegetables, no matter the amount, increases well-being. ‘I make my own compost and produce beautiful asparagus and rhubarb. I am sowing mini-corn ears, red peppers, garlic, shallots, broad beans and more on the raised beds.’ Other themes explored through the #BristolFoodKind campaign include reducing food waste and supporting local independent food retailers. During the Coronavirus pandemic, more and more people are finding it is possible to grow food on sunny windowsills, in hanging baskets as well as in gardens.

39 Signals exercise Freedom of City
22 February 2020
39 Signals Regiment celebrated their centenary by exercising their Freedom of the City to march from City Hall to the Cenotaph with banners unfurled, bayonets and swords unsheathed. Upwards of 200 Soldiers, Reservists, Cadets, Veterans and University students took part in the impressive parade. Lt Col Vincent Connelly, Commanding Officer of 39 Signals, said ‘It is a great honour and privilege to exercise the Freedom of the City in recognition of our strong local links.’ Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol Mrs Peaches Golding OBE added ’The 39 Signals Regiment is a highly skilled unit providing secure, reliable communications in every possible scenario from humanitarian aid to multinational working. They have been deployed from Afghanistan to Africa and from the Falklands to the Balkans. As Reservists, their IT and communications skills also enrich the companies where they are currently employed.’ Soldiers from Bristol are joined by those from Cardiff and Gloucester, Windsor and Bath.

Mya-Rose - Britain's youngest ever honorary doctorate
20 February 2020
17 year old Mya-Rose Craig was awarded a Doctorate in Science by the University of Bristol for her environmental campaigning, particularly targeted towards people of visible minority ethnicity. Mya-Rose explained, '“There’s a massive issue with the environmental sector being composed of the same type of person. Having a broader range of people from different walks of life would be so beneficial in expanding the way that we think and approach environmental issues.” She set up a charity, supported by her family, called Black2Nature. Ever the campaigner, at her graduation ceremony, Mya-Rose urged the University to increase its efforts to support climate change action. "The issues that Mya-Rose supports echo my involvement in recycling and environmentalism dating back to the late 1980’s," added Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol. "I am greatly encouraged that many young people care so deeply about our planet and are willing to use their voice to amplify the dialogue on using natural resources more wisely."

162nd International Photography Exhibition
15 February 2020
43 international photographers from around the globe are featured in the 162nd Annual International Photography Exhibition at the Royal Photographic Society. The works explore topics as varied as spirituality, identity, landscapes and community. The techniques include pinhole cameras made from apples to the evocative tintype - a technique using the wet-collodion process on metal that was most popular during the 1860s. Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant said, ‘During the launch event, it was a great pleasure to meet some of the photographers and talk to them about their work. To get an insight into their thoughts and feeling or how they went about capturing their images shone light on many of the works. It is difficult to decide which photograph, or set of photographs, I like best.’ The exhibition is free of charge and runs until 22 March before touring galleries in London, Beverley and Clwyd.

Young Bristol's Charity Evening
13 February 2020
Young Bristol, one of Bristol’s leading youth charities that provide critical out-of-school services for children and young people across the city, welcomes over 100 of its supporters to a spectacular fundraising event ‘A Night at Yeo Valley.’ The generous support of Yeo Valley together with the efforts of Young Bristol’s Fundraising Committee raised important funds to support the outdoor activities, creative, sports, employment and informal education programmes offered by Young Bristol. Chairman Jamie Cameron, a solicitor at Burges Salmon, highlighted the excellent work of the 90 year old charity. Young Bristol aims to increase its contacts with young people to 20,000 in 2020, consisting of more than 3,300 hours of open access provision delivered in more than 1,437 sessions. Young Bristol also award over 160 qualifications per year.

BITC Regional Showcase
29 January 2020
Business in the Community (BITC) held its South West Regional Responsible Business Showcase involving a number of panellists and participants from its business community. Panel discussions and presentations covered topics as diverse as the Sustainable Development Goals to Age in the workplace. For example, the business leaders shared what they are doing in their workplaces to align corporate activities to the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals, how they are redesigning products to reduce wastage and increase sustainability or why well-being programmes in the workplace bring dividends to both the workforce and financial performance. Among the stars of the evening were the Fairfield High School Eco-Team who have set about making changes in their school to demonstrate their commitment to addressing climate change. The audience contributed ideas of what their organisations can do on post-it notes which will be shared among those attending.Business in the Community (BITC) held its South West Regional Responsible Business Showcase involving a number of panellists and participants from its business community. Panel discussions and presentations covered topics as diverse as the Sustainable Development Goals to Age in the workplace. For example, the business leaders shared what they are doing in their workplaces to align corporate activities to the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals, how they are redesigning products to reduce wastage and increase sustainability or why well-being programmes in the workplace bring dividends to both the workforce and financial performance. Among the stars of the evening were the Fairfield High School Eco-Team who have set about making changes in their school to demonstrate their commitment to addressing climate change. The audience contributed ideas of what their organisations can do on post-it notes which will be shared among those attending.

Final journey of Peter Hodge
21 January 2020
Over 100 people gathered for the funeral of Peter Hodge MBE, Honorary General Secretary of the Normandy Veterans. Peter, was one of the last shipping pilots in Bristol, never fought in the Armed Forces. However, he dedicated his later life to the Bristol Normandy Veterans where he organised parties, dinners and trips to places of military and other interests. He raised funds, with the help of Eddie Izzard and Trevor Beattie, to ensure that any Normandy veteran wishing to attend the 65th anniversary of VE Day was able to do so. He assisted me in organising Normandy veterans to be in the presence of HRH The Duke of Kent to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D Day Landings. He was awarded the MBE for services to charity work and will be greatly missed here in his native City of Bristol.

Nine Lessons and Carols Festival
23 December 2019
The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols tell the story of the birth of the Christ-child at Christmas. This well attended service links the promise of God's salvation foretold in the Scriptures with Christmas carols. From the Garden of Eden and the promise made by Abraham that the earth will be blessed to the birth of Christ, the lessons are read by guests, including Mrs Peaches Golding OBE (HM Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol), Mr Charles Wyld (High Sheriff for Bristol), Cllr Jos Clarke (Lord Mayor for Bristol) as well as young people selected from the Great Choir of Bristol Cathedral. Led by the Acting Dean Revd Canon Michael Johnson, the service demonstrates the Cathedral's diverse links with the city and Bristol Diocese. The service is repeated on Christmas Eve with different readers of the lessons.

Avon Fire & Rescue Long Service
17 December 2019
Chief Fire Officer Mick Crennell had the pleasure of presenting a number of staff with their long service medals. Lord Lieutenant of Bristol, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE was also on hand to present operational staff with their 20 year Long Service & Good Conduct Medal and certificate. Events like this really brings home how many talented people we have providing excellent service to our community. Cllr Donald Davies presented three members of Corporate Services with their certificates for 20 years’ Service at AF&RS. Avon Fire & Rescue Service Meritorious Service Medals were also handed out to members of staff who had served 30 and 40 years. Overall, the night was a huge success and we thank those who attended for your hard work, dedication and commitment to AF&RS over the years. The venue was fantastic and it was great to see so many friends and family attend.

MTM Gala Awards
15 December 2019
It would not be Christmas without the MTM Awards! These awards recognise the achievements of businesses and volunteers from black and minority ethnic backgrounds across the South West and beyond. People from backgrounds as diverse as the Ukrainians and Nepalese joined those from Africa, the Carribean, Middle East and South East in an evening of entertainment. The glittering Gala Awards was attended by Mrs Peaches Golding OBE (Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol), Mr Charlie Wyld (High Sheriff for Bristol), Cllr Jos Clarke (Lord Mayor for Bristol), Mr Tim Bowles (Mayor for the West of England), mayors from seven towns across the region and business leaders, each presenting an award to a deserving candidate. The Lifetime Achievement Award went to Amjid Ali for his tireless work in business, blood and organ donation and other community activities.

Above and Beyond Christmas Concert
12 December 2019
The seventh annual Christmas Concert organised by Above & Beyond, the charity that raises funds for the United Bristol Hospitals Trust, was held in Bristol Cathedral and attended by staff, volunteers, patients and their families together with HM Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding and her husband Bob. The celebratory concert recognised the importance of funds raised by the charity provide the latest equipment, support innovative research and kit out improved hospital environments for staff and patients. With BBC Breakfast Show presenter Emma Britton leading the event, the audience sang Christmas carols and was treated to festive songs from the Above & Beyond Choir, the St Ursula's E-Act Academy Choir and the Blown Away! Wind Band. Poignant memories from patients and staff reminded the audience of the life-saving work of the clinicians and the end of life services available to some.

Commissioning of HMS PRINCE OF WALES
10 December 2019
HMS Prince of Wales was commissioned into the Fleet as the largest warship ever built for the nation. HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, as the ship’s Lady Sponsor, alongside HRH The Prince of Wales, presided over the ceremony at HM Naval Base Portsmouth to an audience of 2,000 from industry, allies, friends and families. Members of the Bristol PRINCE OF WALES affiliation joined some 550 VIP guests in the two-acre hangar of the aircraft carrier. Commanding Officer, Captain Darren Houston, read the commissioning warrant to the crew and guests. 'The men and women of my Ship’s Company have demonstrated significant flexibility, patience and resilience. However, I also want to recognise the wider naval family for their support of our achievements, and I am so pleased that so many of our families and loved ones are able to share this special day with us,' said Captain Houston. 'The Commissioning marks another milestone in the affiliation between the ship and Bristol as our futures for the next 50 years will be intertwined. We will welcome Naval officers and rates to our City as they take part in educational, musical, ceremonial, religious and other activities. I am delighted that the Choir of Bristol Cathedral participated in the Commissioning service,' added Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol. Also in attendance was the High Sheriff Mr Charlie Wyld, the Lord Mayor Cllr Jos Clarke, Affiliation Chairman Stephen Parsons and James Durie, Director of Business West.

Alternative Service at St Nicholas Church
8 December 2019
The Alternative Carol Service held at St Nicholas Church was fully booked and packed full of worshippers of all ages. On arrival, members of the congregation were met with cups of mulled wine and mince pies. The service, led by Rev'd Toby Flint, marked the second anniversary of St Nicholas being open as a church to the public since its closure 70 years ago when it was bombed during World War II. The size and commitment of the congregation proves that the seeding of the new Church addressed an unmet need within the City. Traditional carols were sung to the accompaniment of guitar, cello and keyboard and featured a choir comprised of young people from the local Universities. The significance of the theme of 'home for Christmas' was underlined through an offering to address homelessness. Across two services held on 8th December, St Nicholas Church raised over £500 for Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter and Spring of Hope women's shelter. 'The service was very meaningful for me. Christmas brings back vivid memories from childhood, many of which are joyful. However others are tinged with sadness as we think of those no longer here to celebrate with us,' remarked Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, who said a few words at the end of the service.

Light up a Life
3 December 2019
St Peter's Hospice held its annual carol service, Light Up a Life, in Bristol Cathedral, beginning with a procession of candles in memory of the light of life. The Hospice's Book of Remembrance was placed with four candles at each corner on an altar in the Nave. Festive carols and poignant addresses punctuated the service led by Canon Nicola Stanley. Ross Matthews spoke of the life of his father who died in 2018, Chief Executive Frank Noble read a poem by Amanda Bradley entitled 'Love Lives On' and young violinist Flora Clapham performed a solo by J S Bach. The multi-faith service also involved many of the staff from St Peter's Hospice. 'At the end of the service, members of the congregation had an opportunity to find their loved one's name in The Book of Remembrance,' added Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE.

Higher Education Awards
23 November 2019
Peaches Golding OBE, The Lord-Lieutenant of the City and County of Bristol joined hundreds of proud parents, partners and friends as they gathered at Bristol Cathedral on Saturday to celebrate with more than 100 higher education students at City of Bristol College’s annual Higher Education Graduation. Students, dressed in their gowns and hats, came together with the college’s academic staff on Saturday 23 November 2019 to mark the end of their studies at the college. Peaches gave an inspiring speech to the class of 2019, encouraging them to use their analytical, critical thinking, teamwork and communications skills gained while studying at the City of Bristol College. She urged the graduates to use their skills to tackle the pressing issues facing our society and the planet, such as climate change, sustainable development, zero growth business models and more. Principal and Chief Executive of City of Bristol College, Andy Forbes said: “This awards ceremony is an opportunity for us all to celebrate success and to recognise the achievements of a group of outstanding individuals. “I truly believe that good education transforms lives. The chance to learn provides people with the opportunities and the skills they need to realise their goals and achieve their ambitions. City of Bristol College makes it possible for people of all ages to bridge the gap between where they were, where they are now and where they will be in the future.”

Bristol, Bath and Somerset Tourism Awards
21 November 2019
Bristol hosted the Bristol, Bath and Somerset Tourism Awards where 82 business awards were presented and a further 15 commendations were awarded. 'Tourism plays a vital role in the economy of this region; it is worth more than £1.5bn, employs over 30,000 people and provides a great destination for visitors from the region, nation and countries far afield', explained Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol. 'It was a great pleasure to welcome those attending to our City.' The overall winner of winners was wedding, party and conference venue Barley Wood, an 18th century country house set in 11 acres in North Somerset

New Dean of Westminster Installed
16 November 2019
The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle was installed as the 39th Dean of the Collegiate Church of St Peter Westminster, better known as Westminster Abbey, at Evensong on Saturday 16th November 2019. The service was witnessed by a coachload of supporters from Bristol where Dr Hoyle was the Dean of Bristol Cathedral from 2010 until 2019. During the service the Dean swore a number of formal oaths to Her Majesty. Evensong was sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey conducted by James O’Donnell, Organist and Master of the Choristers. After the service, the bells were rung by the Abbey Company of Ringers joined by the Ringing Master of Bristol Cathedral to a quarter peal of 1280 changes of Bristol Surprise Royal. Before moving to Bristol in 2010, Dr Hoyle was a Canon Residentiary of Gloucester Cathedral. He studied history and theology at Cambridge, and was trained for the priesthood at Ripon College, Cuddesdon. He served his title at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Cambridge.

Groundbreaking ceremony at Trinity Academy
15 November 2019
Work is now underway on Trinity Academy, a brand new £25 million secondary school building in Lockleaze. It will grow year-on-year and aims for an eventual capacity of 1,220 students - 180 students per year with provision for a sixth form. It is scheduled for completion by September 2021. To mark the start of construction work, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, joined students, staff and governors from Trinity Academy and other guests at a ceremonial groundbreaking event. Head teacher of Trinity Academy Eiron Bailey said: 'it is a great moment for us as a school, but also for the wider community, to start work on this exciting building which will be used by students and families. Trinity Academy is a specialist school for music and performing arts. The aim is for the new school building to include a concert hall, music practice room and a variety of performance spaces that can be used by pupils and other arts organisations, orchestras and ensembles in the region. The first year intake of Trinity Academy joined Peaches for a commemorative photograph.

National honours investiture
14 November 2019
H M Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol Mrs Peaches Golding OBE held an investiture for two local people elevated to the British Empire Medal of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. The recipients are Mr James Donaldson BEM for his services to cricket and Mr Allan Schiller BEM for his services to music and charity; both received their honour from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. 'Two times every year Her Majesty awards national honours to individuals whose contributions to our local, regional and national communities are far above expectations,' explains Peaches Golding. 'I am commanded by The Queen to invest local recipients of British Empire Medal. If you know of people that are making exceptional contributions to your community, please do think about nominating them for this most prestigious award.' The investiture was attended by members of the Donaldson and Schiller families and Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet Leading Cadet Murdoch supported the Lord-Lieutenant during the ceremony.

Remembrance Sunday at Bishopsworth RBL
10 November 2019
The Remembrance Sunday Service & Parade organised by the Bishopsworth Royal British Legion was attended by some 200 people as many people came out of their houses to watch the Parade as it passed. The 2124 Squadron ATC and Police Cadets marched in the Parade and a Scout's band provided the music. The Parade went round the local estate and returned to the British Legion where wreaths were laid at the garden of remembrance. Rev Richard Pendlebury MBE DL took the salute on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant. Residents, their families and carers from Bishopsmead Lodge, the nearby residential care home, gathered at the roadside to watch the parade as it passed and waved their flags. The Chairman of the Bishopsworth Royal British Legion Branch is Jo Earle.

Bristol Poppy Collection
6 November 2019
The goal was to raise £30,000 for the Royal British Legion in one day and everyone turned out to help. Members of the Prince of Wales Band joined the Military Wives Choir, artists and performers Georgia Hinton, Andy Maxted, Emma Comley, Daisy Alexandra and Harrison Laner Main to entertain shoppers at Cabot Circus. Across central Bristol reservists from HMS FLYING FOX, the MoD at Abbeywood and many others sold poppy pins and collected donations. Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol remarked that soldiers, sailors and air people from conflicts such as World Wars I and II as well as Afghanistan, Iraq and the Falklands benefit from case workers funded by donations to the Poppy Appeal. These individuals displayed the Armed Forces values of bravery, courage, dedication and loyalty and helped to create the freedoms we all currently enjoy. It is now our time to assist them, if they are in need. Among the guests was Sqn Leader Johnny Johnston MBE DFM and Lord Mayor Cllr Jos Clarke.
(Photo credit: Shawn Spencer-Smith)

Bristol Poppy Appeal Launch
25 October 2019
At 11.30am, the Johnny Johnson MBE DFM engine pulled into Bristol Temple Meads Station. Little did the passengers know but the real Johnny Johnson MBE DFM, the last surviving airman of the World War II Dam Busters' Operation Chastise, was at the Platform ready to launch the Bristol Poppy Appeal. Young Clara Della-Porta presented both Mrs Peaches Golding OBE (HM Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol) and Johnny with a poppy appeal pin in the shape of the F-35B Lightning II plane of 617 Squadron. These aircraft will fly from HMS PRINCE OF WALES, the aircraft carrier affiliated with the City of Bristol. Johnny then presented similar pins to NetworkRail and GWR staff as well as military representatives based at the MOD Abbeywood and Yeovilton Royal Naval Airbase. Clara and other pupils from Ecole Française de Bristol created a beautiful mural called ‘Merci a tous de la Normandie’ in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Donations to the Poppy Appeal honour those who served the Nation in conflict and war.

Black History Month
13 October 2019
The Royal College of Nursing West Midlands held its 16th annual Black History Month conference in West Bromwich to inspire staff. Delegates ranged from Matrons to nursing students and represented people of all backgrounds and cultures. Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, presented the keynote address entitled 'Breaking Down Barriers - Building Bridges'. She spoke of her positive experiences shaping policy and improving services during her time as a Non-Executive Director on the boards of NHS bodies including an acute hospital, a mental health trust and a former District Health Authority. 8% of NHS trust board members are of minority ethnicity compared with only 4% in the South (excluding London). Approximately 9% of the British population is from Black, Asian, Indian or Mixed backgrounds.

High Sheriff's Ladies' Lunch
3 October 2019
Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, H M Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, addressed the High Sheriff's Ladies' Lunch held at the Royal Yacht Club, London on 3 October. The Ladies' Lunch was attended by current High Sheriffs and those in nomination. Peaches outlined the duties of the Lord-Lieutenant and highlighted activities where High Sheriffs might also expect to be involved. As the High Sheriff for Bristol 2010-2011, Peaches had many tips and advice that she could pass on from experience. For example, the High Sheriff is a one year appointment of Her Majesty concerned with law and order while the Lord-Lieutenant is commissioned to carry out that role until their 75th birthday. The Lord-Lieutenant's role encompasses a far greater range of duties, activities and responsibilities in support of Her Majesty.

New airbase for Great Western Air Ambulance charity
25 September 2019
The Great Western Air Ambulance charity (GWAAC), which provides air ambulance and critical care for over 2.1 million people, opened its new airbase in Almondsbury, South Gloucestershire in the presence of HRH The Duke of Gloucester. The 10 year old charity raised £1.3m to purchase the land and construct its purpose-build base. Each critical care team comprises a highly trained and experienced Pilot, a specialist Paramedic and a Critical Care Doctor. They may receive up to five calls a day requiring their expertise. 'As GWAAC serves a population including Bristol, B&NES, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset, I am pleased to see people from so many sectors attending the launch. As a Patron of GWAAC, the Trustees and I are so proud of their huge contribution to healthcare, particularly at times of emergency when other forms of help may be unable to reach those in dire need,' explains Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol. Chief Executive Anne Perry and HRH The Duke of Gloucester are seen at the centre of the photograph.

English Veterans Awards held in Bristol
25 September 2019
English veterans demonstrating sporting, enterpreneurial, volunteering skills and more gathered for the first annual English Veterans Awards held in Bristol. This glittering occasion recognised the determination, dedication and integrity of former service women and men across the country. The veterans showcased provide excellent examples of how the transition from military to civilan life can be a great success. The awards were established by former serviceman Sean Molino and are replicated in Wales and in Scotland. 'The concept is a terrific one - honouring these service personnel for their achievements maps a way forward for veterans. It highlights role models with the qualities that help strengthen the fabric of our society,' says Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol. 'Congratulations to all the nominees and winners as well as to the many volunteers that made the evening such a success!'

Employer engagement reception at HMS FLYING FOX
19 September 2019
Surgeon Commander Richard Bateman, the Commanding Officer of HMS FLYING FOX, held his annual reception which showcases 'The Royal Navy in the West' to local dignitaries and employers. Employers are key to the success of the Armed Forces, as many Reservists bring their skills, training and experience back to the workplace following their brief periods of time spent in active service. Guests were able to meet some of the Reservists and find out more about their activities. Home to more than 150 reservists, guests were treated to a ceremonial sunset retreat performed by Her Majesty's Royal Marines Band Service. Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE told the assembled group that the City's affiliated aircraft carrier HMS PRINCE OF WALES set off on her sea trial, leaving the Rosyth dockyard where she was assembled for the first and last time.

Launch of Bristol Giving Day 2019
18 September 2019
Bristol Giving Day takes place on Wednesday 9 October with people being challenged to cross as many of Bristol’s 45 bridges as they can and donate £1 per person per bridge to charity. A small local cause has been matched to each bridge and all 45 causes will share equally in the money raised. Sue Turner, Chief Executive of Quartet Community Foundation said: “We know people care about helping disadvantaged people but 90% of all charitable donations go to the 7% largest charities. Most businesses choose a brand name charity of the year to fundraise for so thousands of small local causes don’t stand a chance of being chosen. We’ve created Bristol Giving Day to give people one day in the year when they can have fun and raise money to help local causes.” The launch of Bristol Giving Day was attended by Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, High Sheriff Charles Wyld, Business West CEO James Durie, Elected Mayor Marvin Rees and many others.

Official opening of Clifton Suspension Bridge booths
4 September 2019
The Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust is celebrating the successful completion of the new toll houses which were designed by RIBA award winners Purcell architects and built by award-winning local construction company Beard. The new toll houses provide a compact yet comfortable working environment for the team of bridge attendants, with all the amenities and facilities required for them to operate 24/7 and 365 days of the year. The Trust’s vision was to also replace the toll houses with modern, more energy efficient structures that better complement Brunel’s bridge design. Trish Johnson, Bridge Master said: “The bridge is a Grade I-listed structure and 154 years old, which requires ongoing work to make sure it can continue to operate effectively and meet modern day needs. The new toll houses improve the setting of the bridge and also provide better working conditions for our attendants, who do a fantastic job as curators of the bridge, round the clock and in all weathers. Peaches Golding OBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant for Bristol, cut the ribbon on the door of the toll booth in a ceremony attended by Trustee chairman Chris Booy, other Trustees and the design and construction partners.

Bristol ACF at Altcar Training Camp
20 August 2019
HM Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Peaches Golding OBE attended the Visitors' Day at Altcar Training Camp, near Liverpool to gain first hand knowledge of how the Bristol Army Cadet Force camp was going. Accompanied by a number of dignitaries, including Honorary Colonel Brig Frank Noble, Vice Lord-Lieutenant Dr Tim Chambers DL, Col Jane Thompson DL (the Bristol County Chair for Wessex Reserved Forces and Cadets Association known as RFCA) and other representatives from Wessex RFCA, the dignitaries were able to observe the Cadets as they were learning and practicing skills at Camp. The group watched field-craft skills in action, resuscitation and other first aid skills, the mountain biking group and a host of other activities. They also received an impressive presentation from 4 star Cadets regarding the impact that being a Cadet had made to them. Led by a strong team of volunteers, the County excels providing challenging and interesting experiences for Cadets of 11 to 17 years of age. Over 150 Cadets participated in the annual camp.

Black Professional Network is launched
13 August 2019
More than 80 black and minority ethnic professionals joined forces to form a network to encourage career development. The Black Professionals Network is an initiative by Mr Poku Osei and Mr Frank Arkor-Thorkor. The network aims to inspire young people to broaden their career aspirations and to motivate its members flourish in their given career. Professionals from legal, education, health, construction, property, computing, utilities and more attended the event hosted by Burges Salmon LLP. Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant spoke of the importance of participating in a number of networks, each addressing a different aspect of working life. 'Lord-Lieutenants are appointed through a consultation organised by The Privy Council. HM The Queen appoints her Lord-Lieutenants based on their ability to guide their counties over a period of ten to 15 years. She is best pleased by individuals with a strong network across religious, civic, social, military, business, charitable and community activities. Being a safe pair of hands, demonstrating leadership, being able to communicate with people at all levels are but a few reasons that lead to such an appointment. Networks provide their members with the opportunity to help others, hone their skills, identify opportunities and support others.' Among the speakers were Ms Martino Burgess (Head of Corporate, Gregg Latchams LLP), Mr Mohammed Saddiq (Managing Director, GENeco), Cllr Ms Asher Craig (Deputy Mayor), Mr Nick Lee (Managing Director of Paragon Cost Solutions and President, Bristol Law Society) and Mr Marvin Rees (elected Mayor of Bristol).

Businesses debate future of High Street
9 August 2019
The future of the High Street debate at the business breakfast sponsored by Thrings Solicitors engaged over 100 business leaders on the first full day of the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta. The perspectives of the panellists differed, although each felt that there is life left for the retail sector on the British High Street. Despite on-line shopping and large numbers of shops voids are visible, retailers can provide a range of experiences to tempt shoppers back to the High Street. Having a pleasant and safe physical environment, facilities for people with disabilities, and greater digital insight into how to nudge people towards shopping areas, retailers can 'think the unthinkable' about the business opportunities available to them. Led by TV and radio presenter Steve Le Ferve, panellists included John Hirst (Destination Bristol), Nigel Jobson (Maybe), Shelley Sturdy (John Lewis and Partners) and Phil Maclean (Eagle One).

Drones fly in Harbour Festival competition
20 July 2019
A race to see who flies the fastest drone from a floating cardboard aircraft carrier took place at the Bristol Harbour Festival. Teams of graduate engineers competed against each other to see which one has produced the best design. This is the first time such an event has taken place. Each team will design and build a cardboard aircraft carrier that is stable enough to support its drone and a team of two ‘sailors’. The task will be to launch the drone and race it along a defined course before returning it to their vessel. The rules for the competition were drawn up by Lt Cdr Jon Sutcliff of HMS PRINCE OF WALES, the aircraft carrier affiliated with the City of Bristol. ‘The challenges for the teams are enormous,’ explained Jon Sutcliff. ‘The graduate engineers can modify their drone to improve its speed and agility. Also, the crew member on-board their cardboard aircraft carrier will need to communicate with its land-based team while also navigating the drone.’